Mini-Holland in our area: a statement

Waltham Forest Mini Holland document coverWood Street First has been asked about the Council’s Mini Holland project, especially as some aspects of the scheme that will affect our area are still in the pipeline. At last week’s committee meeting the following statement was agreed:

Wood Street First supports and encourages the principle to encourage more people to walk and cycle in our area. However, we appreciate that the Mini Holland Scheme has aroused strong views from both those who are delighted with it and those who are opposed to it or part of it.  There are those who are strongly in favour of the scheme but have identified serious issues in the current design which they feel should be addressed.

Wood Street First believes the majority of the concerns about the project could be resolved if the Council is prepared to listen and act positively to resolve them. We would encourage all those experiencing problems or who have issues or ideas for improvement to raise them with the Council in order that they can be investigated. Wood Street First believes that leading up to the 6 month review of the Mini Holland Scheme all those interested should take the opportunity to raise both the positive and negative issues of what is working and what is not so that a balance, which allows the majority of people to be happy, can be achieved.

Click here for more information on the Council’s plans.

6 thoughts on “Mini-Holland in our area: a statement

  1. I am of the opinion that all this mini-holland project as ausums that everyone can can either walk or cycle, and as someone for whom this is not always physically possible, and I and my wife have to use my mobility car to get around. Already this scheme has made my life harder and more expensive. Also if the council really what’s the disabled of the streets just keep going on with this. Yours Ken Rickwood

  2. As a car owner I will be inconvenienced by Mini-Holland. It will certainly increase my journey times, especially in the short-term due to traffic displacement. But, on balance, I support the scheme as I believe it will improve the quality of life for residents by stopping rat-running and curbing dangerous driving, resulting in streets that are quieter and safer for pedestrians. I also hope that, ultimately, it will reduce traffic levels by encouraging drivers, who are perhaps fed up with being stuck in traffic, to switch to other forms of transport for short journeys. I will be aiming to use my own car less – which, besides the health and environmental benefits, will save me a few quid. If able-bodied drivers try and use their cars less it would free up road space for disabled and elderly people who are dependent on their cars. And let’s also spare a thought for the many people in the Wood Street area who don’t own cars. We should consider their needs too.

  3. I’m not sure this really benefits the majority of people who live in or frequent the Wood Street area. If feels very much like an imposition on those who own cars, many of whom come from a fair distance to take children to school or elderly relatives shopping.

    Improvements to the roads will cause sever congestion, this is already happening whether driving my own car or taking public transport. The inconvenience I believe is much more serious than is being presented and that is why I am not in favour of this project!

  4. It’s odd that people complain about the inconvenience of not being able to drive, when they should be more worried of the inconvenience of breathing polluted air that is dangerous to our health. The VW emissions scandal is big news right now because medical experts at Kings College London found pollution kills up to 9,500 a year by giving us heart disease, strokes and respiratory problems. I walk my children to school, it takes us 25 minutes but we still walk. Every time we walk we are freeing up a place on the road for a disabled or elderly person who needs the road more than we do.

  5. Thanks to everyone who has commented – and thanks for keeping the comments constructive. It is clearly a hot topic, and there are going to be winners and losers. As Wood Street First, our main concern is that local people are kept properly informed about the project, and are given the chance to get involved.

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